


  • We are equipped with extensive drying facility also called as drying shade. After harvesting, grapes are                       dipped into solution of potassium carbonate and oil to speed up the dehydration process and to turn into                    raisins it takes around 12 to 14 days during summer days.
  • To make 1 kg of raisins needs 4 kg of grapes.
  • With this facility we can dehydrate 1,500 metric tons of grapes from February to May.
  • Instead of sun drying we use drying shade so that we can preserve the golden colour this process is known as         drying of grapes in controlled atmosphere for colour preservation.
  • During harvesting season this facility is also used by other farmers and growers as it is very costly matter to             develop this type of facility for a marginal farmer.


  • Our processing plant is equipped with highly advanced processing machines which plays very crucial role                   producing quality and efficiency.
  • From drying shade raisins first comes to washing line where resins are washed and cleaned to remove dust               and refrigerators of chemical and other foreign materials in our completely automatic washing line.
  • Then raisins are passed through cleaning line and at last laser colour sorter is used for sorting of raisins                     based on colour in three grades
  • We have designed our processing plant in such a way that handling of material should be minimized and with           focus on lesser human interference and optimum process flow for highest efficiency.


  • We have state of the art cold storage facility with capacity of 1000 metric tonnes of storage.
  • Along with this some chambers are specifically dedicated to storage of fresh fruit.
  • This in-house facility gives us upper hand in our overall operational convenience and helps in stock up,                          processing and timely distribution of our products.
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  • This part of the infrastructure is specifically dedicated to handling, sorting and packing of fresh grapes and             other fruits for export purpose.
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